An estate plan or trusts that is designed to meet your goals is only as good as long as there are no changes to your goals, your circumstances, or the law. Because these things change frequently, your estate plan needs to be reviewed periodically to ensure that your estate plan still meets your goals.

We offer several maintenance plans that are designed to take the burden of keeping your estate plan current off of you and put it on us.

The Family Protection Plan

This is the basic maintenance plan that we offer. Among other features, it allows our clients to update their plans as necessary throughout the year. Every year we will meet to review the plan and ensure that it still meets the client’s needs and we will update the client’s powers of attorney. We will also be available to provide guidance on various legal matters during the course of the plan.

The Traditional Plan

This plan contains all of the features of the Family Protection plan, but it also includes the priceless conversation. The Priceless conversation is a video recorded conversation that allows our clients to pass on their most valuable assets, their memories, their stories, and their values. More importantly, under this plan, the priceless conversation takes place every year. So with each passing year our clients will receive another DVD passing on their thoughts to their loved ones, which their loved ones can cherish when our clients pass on.

The Legacy Plan

The Legacy Plan includes all of the features of the other plans, but it is designed for small business owners and families that need comprehensive planning. The Legacy plan adds discounts to the Maner Crumly Chambliss business plans. The Legacy plan also adds an annual family meeting to make sure that the plans meet all the clients needs and that the plans are integrated among the various generations.